VLOOKUP has many problems searching, one of them is thatsn't allow to search fields in left of searching column.
=INDEX(columnToGetValue, MATCH("Value", columnToSearchValue, 0), 1)
- columnToGetValue: column where do you need to get the value (parallel to search column)
- "Value": value to look for
- columnToSearchValue: column where do you need to search the value
- 0: constant for exercise
- 1: You can change the 1 with many positions to the right column to get value.
Example in Excel (with ; instead of ,):
=INDEX(Sheet1!$C$1:$C$200; MATCH($F3; Sheet1!$A$1:$A$200; 0); 1)
- https://trumpexcel.com/vlookup-vs-index-match/
- https://exceljet.net/index-and-match